Casting Los Angeles locals who want studio headshots
We have an exciting opportunity for Los Angeles locals from an awesome photographer and colleague. We are looking for some great real people and actors who would like studio headshots for FREE. There is very limited space in the day so please get in touch asap if you are interested!
Stephen Tang of Stephen Tang Photo is looking to shoot some in-studio commercial portfolio work against colored backgrounds. He’s looking for a group of diverse people, who have great energy. If you’d be interested in having your photo taken in this style of photography, please get in touch asap. He is offering a one hour session, with 2 – 3 retouched photos.
Shoot Date: Aug 26th, 2018
Studio location: Los Angeles area
Please email us the following details to
Please also send a current photo of yourself along with the following details:
City & State:
We will get in touch with an appointment time. Must be available for Aug 26th, 2018.