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Actor and Real
People Casting

June 13, 2023 • Real People Casting

Casting a Semi Pro Soccer Player as a Body Double for a Marcus Rashford Commercial – PAID

Vitamin Enriched, a real people casting company, is casting a semi-pro soccer player in NYC to be a body double for Marcus Rashford in a commercial for a social networking company. We’re looking for individuals who have excellent soccer skills and fit the height and weight requirement. You will be asked to submit photos and a video of yourself playing soccer in your submission.

Marcus Rashford stats:

Height: 5′ 11″
Weight: 154 lbs

To submit yourself for consideration, please answer the questions in this form and upload your photos. We may ask for footage of you playing soccer after your submission. 


Commercial Dates/ Details if selected:

  • FITTING DATE: June 23rd
  • SHOOT DATE: June 26th
  • Session/Fitting: To Be Negotiated


:60 + all cutdowns, lifts, edits

Materials: All materials captured during sessions. Inclusive or all edits / lifts / versions.
Inclusive of photography stills, screen grabs, cinemagraphs, and gifs.
Media: All Media, including but not limited to:
All TV Media (including but not limited to free, pay, cable, pay-per-view, on demand etc.), Internet in any format (including but not limited to, streaming and downloadable), All New Media and Digital (including but not limited to, mobile phones, other mobile media, streaming and downloadable, VR) in any format, Public Relations materials in any form of media, Radio (including but not limited to, free, satellite, internet, etc.), Industrial (including but not limited to, in-store, kiosk, in-stadium, billboard, in-flight, mobile phones, military bases, trade shows, in-cinema, any events attended by or sponsored by
advertiser, etc.), Print, Out-of-home

Term: One (1) year from first public use
Territory/ies: North America & Europe (including UK)
Internet / digital shall be considered worldwide

Exclusivity: None
Perpetual, worldwide right for non-paid Industrial, PR and archival use for Client, campaign partner organizations and vendors (including, but not limited to archival and historical uses, behind the scenes, sales presentations, recruiting content, press and public relations materials, award submissions, social media channels featuring Materials posted during the term, etc.).


Optional Extension Term: Upon the completion of the initial term, at the sole discretion of Agency and Client, the performance may be renewed for a second term (same media and territory) at 10% increase of the original Usage Fee + 20% agent fee (if applicable).


**You must have a valid social security number to work in commercials in NYC**

**Booking is contingent on passing a social media check**


Looking forward to hearing from you!

-Kathy, Joe, Mary Anne, Evadne & Team VE

Vitamin Enriched Casting


Photo by Jannik Skorna on Unsplash


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