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Actor and Real
People Casting

November 19, 2019 • Real People Casting

Casting families, with a child or children 2 and under, in the NY Tri-State area for an online video.

Vitamin Enriched, a real people casting company, is working with NBC Today and a household cleaning product, looking for families who have a child or children age two and under in the NY Tri-State area for a documentary-style online video campaign about keeping your family healthy this winter, including avoiding those winter colds this flu season. The selected family, will have an expert come into your home and give you some helpful tips on how to keep your family healthy this winter. 

MUST live in a house.


Audition interview dates:  Wednesday Dec 4th or Thursday Dec 5th. – via SKYPE

Shoot date:  If selected, one shoot day between Dec 17th – 19th . This will be a documentary style shoot where you are filmed in and around your home. 

Payment: The selected family, will be $2,000 for the shoot and usage. If we use your home for the shoot,the home owner will be paid a $1,000 location fee. 

Usage: Internet including owned and operated channels of NBC TODAY and the household cleaning product for 2 years.

Please email us the following details to


City & State:

Email & Phone number:

Please send us a couple of pictures of your family and your house.

Who lives in your home (name and age):

Tell us a little about yourself and all of the people in your family. (occupations, hobbies, etc.)

Do you live in a house? Do you rent or own it?

Tell us a little about your family. What’s your household like? What do you all like to do for family time.

What is an average day like for your family? 

What are your new year health-related resolutions  for your family ?

Tell us about your thoughts on keeping your family healthy this winter. What are some of your biggest challenges?

Are you open to having a camera crew shoot a documentary style video in and around your home? 

Have you ever appeared on TV, film or in an advertisement before? If so, tell us about it.

Thank you so much!

-Kathy, Joe, Mary Anne & Evadne

Vitamin Enriched

Photo by Brandless on Unsplash


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