Current Casting Projects & News

Actor and Real
People Casting

August 19, 2021 • Real People Casting

Casting Girl Soccer Players or a Soccer Team (13-15 year old) for a TV commercial – NY Tri-State area only)

Vitamin Enriched, a real people casting company, is casting  a girls soccer team or individual soccer players (13-15 years old) to be in a TV commercial and print ad for a pharmaceutical brand.  The girls will be playing soccer in the commercial. We’re looking for individual girls or a  team of players. Please get in touch asap if you’re interested.

**Please check on NCAA eligibility rules if you plan  to get a scholarship in college. We do not want to risk your eligibility.**

Please email us the following details ASAP to

  • Child’s name and age
  • Your email address and phone number
  • Parent / Guardian name:
  • Parent / Guardian email address and phone number
  • Confirm that you are in the NY tri state area
  • Tell us a little about your soccer playing experience. How long have you been playing? Are you on a team? If so, tell us about that. What position do you play? What do you like about playing soccer? 
  • Two recent photos of yourself (and if you have a photo of yourself playing soccer)
  • If submitting for a team:
  • Tell us a little about the team. How old are the girls on the team? How many players? Where / Who do they play? 
  • A few recent photos the team (group photo and if you have any playing photos)
  • Note: only 4-6 girls will be booked as principles for the shoot, others might be booked as extras.


  • AUDITION DATES: Will request self tapes with specific instructions
  • CALLBACK DATES: Sept. 9th- Sept. 10th (remote via Zoom)
  • SHOOT DATES: Tues, Sept. 21st – Fri, Sept. 24th (in person)
  • LOCATION: NY Tri-State area
  • If selected for the shoot, each girl who is booked as a principal would be paid SAG (the television union) scale wages for the commercial, which is a little over $700 for the shoot day, with the possibility of additional compensation. 
  • If selected for the print day it pays  – $500 plus a possible $4,500 buyout for the adults, and a possible $4,000 buyout for the child for the print ad – if their faces are recognizable in the image used. 
  • The shoot would take place between September 21st – September 24th in the NYC area. It would require girls taking off from school for the shoot day(s). 


– Kathy, Joe, Mary Anne, Evadne, and Team VE 

Shoutout to Alliance Football Club for the awesome photo. 


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