Current Casting Projects & News

Actor and Real
People Casting

August 6, 2014 • Real People Casting

Casting Native Speakers of Japanese, Portuguese, French & Hindi

currently working on an internet video and our client is looking to feature Natives who speak the language of their country fluently. We’re specifically looking for people who speak Japanese, Portuguese, French & Hindi. 
We are looking for both adults (30’s – 60’s years old) and young
adults (13 – 24 years old) that speak fluently. The video is about Social Media and will feature people from specific countries speaking in their native tongues. 
interested should submit their picture & details at the email below. We
will get in touch to schedule people for a Skype audition in the next few days.
 If you or anyone you know is interested,
please email us with the following information at as soon as possible: 
Please attach a recent photograph of yourself
email address & phone number
Tell us your age
us which country you were born in.
us which languages your speak fluently.
Do you have a parent/child living local to NY that speaks the same language fluently?
us which forms of Social Media you use.

selected for the project will be paid $400 to participate in a 4 hour video
shoot in NYC on August 18, 2014
you so much for thinking about this opportunity. Please feel free to pass it on
to anyone you think may be interested.

If you have questions, please give us a ring: 
Vitamin Enriched 
5 Penn Plaza #1957
NY, NY 10001
P: 347 454 9597


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