Current Casting Projects & News

Actor and Real
People Casting

July 30, 2014 • Real People Casting


We’re filming a segment for a new cable science-based
educational show. We’re looking for small business owners,
street or flea market vendors, kiosk salespersons, pop-up
shop owners, etc, who would like to improve their sales
skills. The featured business will have their
salespersons/team’s skill-set assessed by an expert in the
art & science of selling. The focus will be on overall
approach and negotiations with customers. Ultimately
teaching new techniques for how to sell more effectively.
Please send pictures, links and answers to submission
questions to:
Tell us why your business would be a good fit for this project.
Please include a description of your business, it’s location,
what you sell, what your sales strengths & weaknesses are
and any amusing or embarrassing stories or anecdotes
about your journey in sales.
Please send us pictures of yourself, along with any sales
men/women that you’d like to participate and picture of your
business location or stand.
The business selected for this project would shoot a
segment at their store or stand location, one day in mid August 2014. 

Thank you for your time. 
-Kathy & Joe

If you have questions, please give us a ring: 
Vitamin Enriched 
5 Penn Plaza #1957
NY, NY 10001
P: 347 454 9597


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