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People Casting

December 10, 2019 • Real People Casting

Casting Pairs of People to Talk About the Milestones in Their Lives and How They Feel (Los Angeles Area)

Vitamin Enriched, a real people casting company, is working with a wellness app, looking for pairs of people to discuss the wide variety of emotions and feelings around milestones and events in their lives . We’re looking for a wide range of positive life milestones past, present and future, big and small; milestones that have brought out hope for the future, gratitude for help, courage for taking a leap, conquering a fear, overcoming a stressful time, excitement, pride in another’s accomplishments, etc.

We’re looking for all kinds of pairs; siblings, couples, parent/child; co workers, friends; neighbors, it’s most important that it’s two people who have a connection — even loosely — and want to talk about it.

Perhaps you are: A mother who has an adult daughter who is pregnant. While your daughter shares her feelings about being a new mom, you can relate with examples of having your first child (her!) and how it was similar; or a father and son who each has stress in their lives. For the father it may be pressures at work and for the son it could be a stressful experience at school.

Whatever your story, we’d like to hear from you!


Must live in the Los Angeles area. 

Must submit as a pair who want to do this together (friends, couple, co-workers, neighbors, parent/adult child, grandparent/adult grandchild, etc.

18 years and over.

Audition interview dates via Skype: Friday, December 20th or Monday, December 30th, 

Shoot date: If selected, one day Jan 8th, 9th or 10th. Shoots at a studio in Los Angeles.

Payment:  if selected you will be paid $400 total for a 1-4 hour shoot. 

Usage:  On the client’s  app, YouTube and their social media channels.

Please email ALL of the following details to  ASAP:

  • Please send us a couple of photos of yourself (and the person you will be speaking with)
  • Names:
  • City & State (for both):
  • Emails AND Phone Numbers:
  • Occupations & Ages:
  • Please tell us a little about yourselves. (Who do you live with?  what do you do for fun,? etc) 
  • What is your relationship to each other? How long have you known each other? 
  • What life events / milestones would you like to talk about with each other? Why?
  • Would you be open to talking about your feelings and emotions around other life events?
  • Have you ever appeared on TV, film or in an advertisement before? If so, tell us about it.

Thanks so much & we look forward to learning more about you. 

-Kathy, Joe, Mary Ann, Evadne & Javier 


Photo by Charles on Unsplash










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