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May 1, 2019 • Real People Casting

Casting Parents in Boston With Kids In College Who Have Taken Out Student Loans for a CNBC Video

Vitamin Enriched, a real people casting company, is looking for parents in Boston who have recently sent their kid(s) to college for an exciting video for CNBC Brand Studio and a student loan bank. We are looking for the parent(s) of college students who (in the last four years) have taken out student loans to finance, or help finance, their educations. We want to discuss how they navigated this and the advice they’d give other parents figuring out how to help kids pay for college. 

Must live in the Boston area.


Casting interview dates: May 10th,13th, 14th & 17th – interview will take about 15 minutes

Shoot: One day between May 22nd and May 27th (note: this is Memorial Day weekend)

Shoot location: Boston area

Payment: $1,000 per person, with the potential for additional compensation.

Usage: All digital media for 24 months. Industrial use.

Please email the following ASAP to:

Please answer all questions /items below:

  • Your Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email
  • City & State
  • Child Name / Age / School Name / Year in School

Please tell us a little about yourself (occupation/family/ interests)

Please tell us about the child (children) in college. Tell us a little about them (where they are going to school, what they are studying, interests, etc)

Can you tell us a little about how you have navigated paying for college? (Have they taken out loans? Do you have a college savings account? Did they get a scholarship? Some combination of things? etc..)

Tell us a little about how you went about learning about student loans.  How did you discuss this with your child / children? 

What advice would you give to parents about navigating the student loan process/paying for college?

Which financial institution did you did they get the loan from?

Please send us a couple of pictures of you along with your child (children).

Are you an actor/model? Have you ever appeared in an ad, a film or on TV before? (If so, tell us about it)

If your child is a freshman in college (and would be in the Boston area during the shoot window) and would be interested in being considered for this, please ask them to complete and submit the answers in the link below: 

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you so much!

Kathy, Joe, Mary Anne & Evadne

Vitamin Enriched

347 454 9597


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