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Actor and Real
People Casting

December 10, 2019 • Real People Casting

Casting People Who Cook a Signature Dish and Would like to Share it. (Los Angeles Area)

Vitamin Enriched, a real people casting company, is casting in the Los Angeles area for people who cook a signature dish that is meaningful to them to share and discuss with another person. Whether your dish has a strong cultural significance, a family recipe passed down for generations, or is a favorite for the feelings and memories it evokes,  we’d like to hear from you! The idea is you share your signature dish, and tell the story of it while learning and tasting the signature dish of another. The videos will be used on a Wellness App.

Must live in the Los Angeles area. 

18 years of age or older.

Audition interview dates via Skype: Friday, December 20th or Monday, December 30th, 

Shoot date: If selected, one day Jan 8th, 9th or 10th. Shoots at a studio in Los Angeles.

Payment:  if selected you will be paid $400 total for a 1-4 hour shoot.  (You will also be given a $100 stipend to make you dish.)

Usage:  On the client’s  app, YouTube and their social media channels.

Please email ALL of the following details to  ASAP:

  • Please send us a couple of photos of yourself.
  • Name:
  • City & State:
  • Email and Phone Number:
  • Occupation & Age:
  • Please tell us a little about yourself. (Who do you live with?  what do you do for fun,? etc) 
  • Please tell us about your signature dish and why it’s meaningful to you .
  • Why do you love to make and eat it?
  • Why do you like to share this dish with others? 
  • Is there anyone (local to Los Angeles) who hasn’t eaten your dish that you’d like to share it with? Maybe someone you’d like to get to know better.If so who, and why?  
  • Since you will be eating a dish that will be prepared by another person, we’d like to know if you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions. Please list all of them, if no allergies or no food restrictions, please write that.
  • Have you ever appeared on TV, film or in an advertisement before? If so, tell us about it.

Thanks so much & we look forward to learning more about you. 

-Kathy, Joe, Mary Ann, Evadne & Javier 

Photo by CDC on Unsplash


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