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Actor and Real
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June 26, 2014 • Actor Casting • Real People Casting

Casting Call: Real Military Personnel for a PTSD Awareness Campaign – NYC tri-state area

Vitamin Enriched, a real people casting company, is working on a PTSD Awareness Campaign 
Sponsored by GE Veterans Network
are looking for real military personnel, from any branch of the military, to
be a part of a PTSD Awareness Campaign sponsored by GE Veterans Network.
Must be local to the NY Tri-State area.
Anyone interested just needs to send us an email with 2 pictures along with some general details. (your name, your age, branch of military, when & where you
served, if you are available on Monday June 30th, 2014 for the
shoot and your cell phone number for contact.) Please send 2 pictures & make sure they are recently taken. Selfies are fine.
Email the details  & pictures over to
Monday June 30th, 2014 from 9am – 3pm in the NYC area
$500 flat fee  (paid by check)
The campaign is a public service announcement that will be used on the Jumbotron at Baseball games and on the Internet as well.
There are no callback or auditions for this project
There are no auditions or callback for this project.
Actors can submit, as long as they really served in the military & are non-union
If you have questions, please give us a ring:
Vitamin Enriched
5 Penn Plaza #1957
NY, NY 10001
P: 347 454 9597



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