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Actor and Real
People Casting

September 20, 2023 • Real People Casting

Casting Veterans who were Pilots or Aviators for a Holiday Commercial – Korean, Vietnam and Cold War eras

Vitamin Enriched, a real people casting company, is searching nationwide for Veterans, of the Korean, Vietnam and Cold War eras, who were pilots or aviators. We are working on a holiday commercial for an Internet Service Provider to be directed by Oscar winning director, Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty). Whether you may have flown fighter planes, bombers, helicopters, and/or humanitarian aid aircraft, or even worked on aircraft carriers we’d love to hear from you!
Details about the commercial:
  • If selected, your travel would be covered by the client. (hotel, airfare and meals)
  • If selected, you would be paid according to the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) union contract. You do not need to be an actor or a member of SAG to apply).
  • If selected, the shoot day pays roughly $780 for the day, (with the possibility of residual payments, if you are cut into the final spot.)
  • Casting Interview dates (via Zoom): 9/23-9/27
  • Callback dates (via Zoom): Oct 3rd and 4th (You would only be asked for one of these dates and it usually take 15 minutes) 
  • If selected, We would ask you to hold the following range of dates 10/8-10/16 which would include a fitting, possible travel if you are not in NY tri-state area and a potential 4 day shoot.
  • If selected, Shoot location: New York or New Jersey 
  • Intended Use: Network TV (TBD), Cable, Streaming Digital, Wild Spot(TBD), Theatrical/Industrial, Behind the scenes filming  
  • Exclusivity: Internet Service Providers 
  • Special Working Conditions: Snow (Potential)
Please keep this project and your potential involvement in it confidential.
If you are interested in being considered, please take a few minutes to answer the questions in this form:
  • Your name
  • Phone number and email
  • City & State
  • Please send us 1-2 current photos of yourself (if you have a photo of yourself in uniform, please include that as well)
  • In which branch of the military did you serve? What was your position and rank? How long did you serve (dates) and where?  Were you honorably discharged? When?
  • Can you tell us a story of your service–the kind of story you’d tell at a reunion of your fellow fliers?
  • Do you have friends who are veterans (and pilots) who might be interested in this project as well?
  • Do you still have your uniform and or service-related paraphernalia?
  • If selected, and not living in NY or NJ, would you be wiling to travel if the client covers your travel expenses?
  • Would you be alright with the client running a background check on you if they are interested in booking you?
  • Are you an actor, actress or model? Have you ever appeared in any film, TV or advertising? If so, please tell us about it.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
-Kathy, Joe, Mary Anne, Evadne & Team VE
Vitamin Enriched
Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash


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