Current Casting Projects & News

Actor and Real
People Casting

October 16, 2010 • Real People Casting

Casting Vonage Customers for a TV Promo

Do you use VONAGE to keep in touch with your family & friends who are far away? If so, we want to hear from you!

We’re looking for real Vonage customers who use the service to keep in touch with their long distance relatives and loved ones. We’re looking for positive, upbeat men and women between the ages of 25 – 45 years old. Those selected will appear in a promo which will air on USA Network and be paid $600 for the one day shoot.

Auditions are taking place in NYC the week of October 18th by appointment only. If chosen, the shoot will be the week of November 15th.

Please email your name, all contact info, a photo and brief description of the people you keep in touch with to


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