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Actor and Real
People Casting

September 3, 2010 • Real People Casting

Designer, Bob Richter looking for simple “Design Dilemmas” for an AOL web series

Let Designer, Bob Richter into your Kitchen or Bedroom and transform your “Design Dilemma” into an area that you’ll love.

Do you have an area in your kitchen or bedroom that just doesn’t work for you? An area that is too cluttered or just unorganized? Is there a corner of your bedroom that, for whatever reason, you cannot seem to appropriately fill? Is your kitchen an example of function over form but you just aren’t sure what to add? Design flaws can hold your most lived-in rooms back, but simple fixes can lead to dramatic transformations. If you’d like us to solve the “Design Dilemma” in your kitchen or bedroom then send us your story and maybe Bob Richter will provide the simple solution to take your room from hate to great!

Both owners & renters are welcome. Families, couples, and singles of any kind are invited to submit a story. NY tri-state area residents please. All supplies and costs are covered by the shows sponsor. Bob Richter has been featured on HGTV. For more information visit his website at

Submission info & details: Please email us a picture of your kitchen and/or bedroom. Ensure the pictures show the area you need help with. Also please include a picture of yourself/family as well. Include a brief bio, your phone number and the area you’d like to help with. Send submissions to

*We are looking for simple “design dilemmas” of a particular area in a kitchen or bedroom that needs more of a facelift. Larger scale construction projects are not appropriate for submission.*


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