Current Casting Projects & News

Actor and Real
People Casting

September 7, 2022 • Real People Casting

Looking for Stories of People that Have Been Affected by Extreme Heat – Pays $2650

Vitamin Enriched, a real people casting company, is looking for stories of people that have experienced loss or health issues as a result of extreme heat. Have you suffered through a health condition or experienced loss because of extreme heat? Whatever your story is, it’s important, and we would be honored to hear it.

We are working with a non-profit called the Center for Climate Integrity. They are making a film that brings light to the devastating effects of climate change, and will point out some of the facts as part of their efforts to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable for its role. The film will show photos and stories of the real people who have been harmed by extreme weather.


Interview dates:  September 30 and October 3 (a 20 minute interview via Zoom to discuss your story and go over project details).

Shoot Date & Details: If selected, the shoot will take place the week of October 17. It is about a 6 to 8 hour commitment of sharing your story and taking the crew around to site-specific areas tied to your story. You and your property would be photographed.


Photo session: If selected, you would be paid $650 for the shoot.

Usage: If selected, you would be paid an additional $2,000 for the video to be used

The video will be used for one year.

Medium: unrestricted use of all footage throughout the united states, and still imagery online / internet / mobile / social / electronic media / addressable TV, cable / Broadcast and PR use. Includes all imagery, edits, versions, and lengths.

If selected, a background check will be conducted.

If you are interested in sharing your story, please email all of the following information ASAP to :

  • Your name:
  • Your Location (City and State):
  • Phone number:
  • Email:
  • Where did you hear about this opportunity?
  • Please tell us a little about yourself.
  • Tell us your story of how extreme heat has affected you.
  • When did this happen?
  • How has this impacted your life?
  • Would you be interested in having your story and picture be a part of this campaign?
  • Please send us any photos or videos that relate to your story.

Once we review your story, we may be in touch to schedule you for a Zoom video interview to discuss your story in more details.

We look forward to hearing from you!

-Team VE – Kathy, Joe, Mary Anne, and Evadne


Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash


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