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Actor and Real
People Casting

November 9, 2023 • Real People Casting

Looking for Adult Olympics/ Paralympics fans for Team USA anthem video

Vitamin Enriched, a real people casting company, is looking for New York City locals who love the Olympics/Paralympics and are fans of Team USA. This campaign centers around the idea that when our Team USA athletes compete, they don’t compete for just one person. They compete for all of us. Their families and friends, their hometown, and the collective nation. Whether you’re a coach, trainer, volunteer, aspiring Olympic/Paralympic athlete or an everyday fan, whatever kind of fan you are we would love to hear from you!

We are specifically looking for people who are affiliated or are members of The United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) 

If you are interested in being considered, please fill out the following form:

Form Link

We can schedule you for an audition or you can record a video yourself.

Please make a quick video on your phone telling us the following and submit it through WeTransfer to

  • Tell us your first and last name
  • Which City & State do you live in?
  • What do you do for a living? (School, work, retired, etc.)
  • Which organization did you hear about this from and how are you affiliated with them?
  • What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your free time?
  • Tell us about your love for the Olympics/Paralympics.
  • Was there a time when you were blown away by Team USA’s performance? Tell us about it. How did you react to that moment?
  • Are you an actor, actress or model? Have you ever appeared in any film, TV or advertising? If so, please tell us about it.
  • Are you a member of SAG (Screen Actors Guild)?

Commercial Dates/ Details if selected:

  • CALLBACK: 11/30/23 via Zoom
  • SHOOT DATES: 12/7/23 (Will be a half day shoot, potentially around 3 hours. Potential weather date: 12/8/23)
  • SHOOT LOCATION: New York City, exact location TBD
  • PAYMENT: $100 gift card
  • USAGE: 3 week cycles of network usage allowing for 20 individual uses per 13 week cycle for a total of 40 network uses for 6 months. Two 4 week cycles of cable for a total of 2 months cable usage. One year of Theatrical Industrial Usage. One year of Streaming/Digital platforms. Unlimited Social edits for one year.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

-Kathy, Joe, Mary Anne, Evadne & Team VE

Vitamin Enriched

Photo by Alex Smith on Unsplash

Photo by Bryan Turner on Unsplash


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